45 outlying offices work out your requirements in the countries you are aiming at.
We will give you an answer about the potential of your targeted country. And we investigate the peculiarities and the special conditions you have to be aware of .
Outlying offices look into product requirements as well as into market developments in your targeted country.
We offer active support in planning and realizing marketing compains as well as sales promotions that are aimed at the peculiarities of the foreign market.
Because of our investigations in your target country we can show you the best way of selling so that you products will be placed successful and lasting in that market.
We find and make contacts with possible agents, retailers or traveling salesmen. People who are able to introduce your products in your new markets in a successful way. Before chosing for you the right partner our international offices will have extensive talks and meetings with possible partners.
We inform you about the specific demands for the foreign fairs. We assist with aid and organisation of them. Our international offices can take care of the contacts you made during the fair.
We make the layout with foreign specialists for Agent -and Retailer Contracts, Sales Agreements, Technology Transfer - and Joint Venture Contracts.
We offer internal export education as well as export seminars and special lectures.
In all countries where our international offices exist we can translate commercial, technical and legal text.
Support (even in your target market) and aid by providing the needed documents.
We support the development of your international cooperations. We organize international meetings of general managers to provide possibilities of finding right cooperation partners. To finance your cooperations we arrange fund programms of the der EU, the union and the communities (ECIP, JOP, usw.).
You do have a lack of qualified and appropriate personnel in the areas Exportmanagement and Exportadministration – we can supply you.